Friday, April 30, 2010

Partition of India

Partition. By definition it means a division or separation of shares or other property. As seen in history,
Africa was separated into states. No real boundaries were set. Peoples tribes and villages were split right down the middle. Rivers belonged to a handful of people. No sensible lines were set to really divide up Africa evenly. Well, Africa is not the only area to be partitioned. India has had its fair share of separations as well.
India at the time was led by the British. British control over the area had tightened. Every time the people of India would revolt, the hands of the British would crush down on the area of India even tighter. The Indian people had no cultural identity and could not express their ideas freely. The Muslim League was formed to give muslims more political, social, economic, and religious freedoms. With the rise of nationalism all around, the British felt the need to bring in more communist ideas to avoid losing control of India. So to a degree, the Muslim leagues power was limited due to the British control.
Although many of us may have never heard of this partition, it has impacted thousands to millions of lives. The partition took place in 1947. The partition separated India first with Hindus and Muslims. Their religious beliefs vary in the Gods they worship to their prayer rituals. Although some of their beliefs may be the same, they consider themselves to be opposites of each other. Even though the partition was going on, not many people knew it was happening. The government had covered up this idea and the people of India fell for it. The government of India was taking advantage of their citizens.
Secondly, to the north and south, Pakistan was established. Through the creation of the Muslim league, the Muslims created the land of Pakistan to use as their homeland as a separation from the Hindus. Thousands of people were displaced from their homes and moved to the areas that were of their religions. This created much turmoil in that the people were separating by religion. A ticking time bomb had been set and hatred towards each other was slowly developing.
All of these decisions did not go without problems. Fighting along the borders, a nuclear arms race, and state supported terrorism developed. Countless lives were lost and the disputes continue today.
Through all the bad came some sort of positivity. A reform of art and literature was established in India. Many great stories and paintings were established after the partition, reflecting the hard times that went on during the Partition. Although this may have seemed like a downturn in the history of India, many economic advances were made as well. The British established a railroad system that allowed goods to be transported throughout.
Although many lives were lost in this event, India has become and stronger country and has a deeper history and examples of what not to do in the future. It seems that in history, the worst events can have some positive outcome and countries learn from their mistakes and become stronger and make better decisions in the future. Even though everyone wants to point the finger at someone else, the unstable British control caused a chain reaction with the whole area of India. If India had a leader that the majority of the people liked and supported, the whole partition could have been avoided. History is History. Mistakes will be made.

1 comment:

  1. I believe this partition helped prove to the religions that they shouldn't fight as they did. And with the help of Gandhi they helped to become closer and accept differences.
